Dario Zaffaroni
'VISUALplay' - with Melina Scalise

Dario Zaffaroni's artistic career has its roots in the Sixties.  As an artist he is a unique interpreter of the social evolution which, since that time, has brought the contemporary man to a new way of perceiving reality.
Perception is the fundamental element of his work. Zaffaroni plays with each individual's ability to transform the stimuli from his own sensory organs into information and meaning, until, in the artist's most recent works, he raises questions about the different levels of awareness and the sublimation of messages.
The cultural ferment of the sixties triggered an artistic quest in which not only did the works of art move further and further away from representations of reality, but the observer lost his passivity in order to enter a dynamic relationship with the work: he himself could become a part of it to such an extent that his way of interacting with the work could change or modify its meaning.

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Studio DARIO ZAFFARONI - Corso Magenta, 9A - 20025 LEGNANO, MI ITALY - Tel. e Fax: +39 (0)331 546465 - M: 339.2696070